Friday, November 20, 2015

I finally did it.  I have owned this canvas for about 3-4 years...had a stitch guide written at Fancy Stitches for it...bought all the threads and then pretty much decided to do my own thing!  The problem is...the SG was almost entirely basketweave.  The threads they picked are gorgeous and I am using the thread selections...but I cannot bring myself to BW the entire thing.  So I did diagonal ground over 3 for the sky.  This is my first Liz canvas...her stuff is really intricately painted.  Carolyn Hedge Baird inspired me to try stitches that aren't BW for her canvases.  Conventional wisdom says BW...CHB says go crazy.  So I am gonna go crazy!

Pizza Pat

This is a canvas that my daughter drew for me and I's my grandson't favorite book...Pizza Pat.  The mice and his the dozens steal Pat's pizza.  Poor Pat!  I am going to bead the pepperoni and use flair for the cheese (in the oven 800 degrees!).

Fort Worth Needlepoint

 Here is my latest WIP.  Denise DeRusha's Fort Worth.  I beaded the turned out pretty cute.  It took a tube and a half of seed beads.

Melissa Shirley Stocking

I just love Santa and the Reindeer!  This is such a cute canvas.  So much white however so I had to use many different threads and stitches to accentuate it.
 Here is the finished stocking.  I absolutely hated free stitching the trees...I just don't like's up there with basketweave!
 Snowman guarding the house. I used some cute sequins to make the tree lights.
 It's hard to find a good font...I like this one ok.  Beading the sleigh was arduous.  I wish I hadn't chosen that about half way through!
 Some of the stitches are from a stitch guide by Diana Bosworth at the French Knot.  The rest are my choices.  Melissa Shirley is the bomb!